Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Smart Planner

Teacher friends!  Check out these amazing planners at StartPlanner.com
Goal setting, meal planning, daily organization all in one place!!!

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Time Saving Tip~ Outfit Planning

I don't know about you but I am all about making my life easier. Balancing kids, jobs, hubbs, hobbies, and a social life is plain exhausting. I am constantly in search of ways to become more efficient in the everyday things I do. One thing that has been a HUGE help in my life is meal planning. I am willing to cook just about anything as long as I don't have to come up with WHAT to cook. I despise coming up with a menu especially while I am standing in the doorway of my pantry. Ugh. I hate it. However, when I began meal planning and actually writing down AHEAD OF TIME what we were going to eat each night for the week, the whole chore become less of, well, a chore.

Where is all this going? Oh yeah...meal planning got me thinking. How many times do I stand in the doorway of my closet feeling that same meal-planning-sense-of-dread when trying to come up with an outfit on the spot? Most likely I got up late, am in a rush, and my brain is either unable or unwilling to put something cute together. What do I do? Throw on the first thing that matches and call it good. Then end up with a bad case of outfit remorse the rest of the day. Hmmm, if I can plan my meals ahead of time maybe, just maybe I can plan my outfits ahead of time. Genius! I made myself a handy dandy chart (very similar to my meal planning one actually) and began planning a week's worth of outfits.

My Process:

-I do my laundry (or try to) on the weekend so I am all set up with clean clothes when I sit down to  plan my outfit menu.
-I usually plan my menu on Sunday
-I browse some fashion sites to get the creative juices flowin
-I take a gander at the weather forecast to plan for layering and shoes
-I challenge myself to come up with one really unique or different outfit--usually trying out a new color  combo or trend I have been secretly fearing!

Here is a sample of one of my menus. It was back to school during this week for me and my building does not have any air conditioning. The temp the first day was 97 degrees! I definitely kept this in mind when planning my outfits!

Things I figured out in the process (I've been doing this for over a year): 

1. I have waaay more clothes then my hurried brain gives me credit for. When I actually took the time to plan my outfits it felt like my closet tripled. I had time to hunt for certain things and found "new" items in the process. I utilize my closet much better because of the menu.
2. I love looking online at my fave fashion blogs for inspiration and making my outfit menu allowed me the excuse to make time to do this.
3. I kept hold of past outfit menus and I could see when the last time I had worn a shirt, pants, or entire outfit.
4. This outfit plan makes my mornings so so so much better because I am not wasting time searching for something to wear.
5. I didn't always stick to exactly what I had planned but because it WAS planned, it was easier to be spontaneous and make a quick switch.
6. I need to do a closet inventory. I wish I had a list of all my stuff. I've done a little research and found some apps that could make this happen. Will keep you posted.

Are you up for the challenge? Click on the link below and download a copy of my weekly outfit menu. Please let me know how it works for you.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Weekly Meal Planning Templates from the Tip Junkie

Check out the Tip Junkie website!  She has a ton of cute weekly meal planning options to help make sure we know what's for dinner.  (Thanks Stacy Z. for sharing this site!)

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Follow the WHOL4Ed Blog!

Be sure to follow our WHOL4Ed blog!  Just type in your email on the right and you will be the first to get blog post updates and great teacher tips and tricks!

Monday, July 18, 2016


Join us on Mondays for a little inspirational quote to set your mind for the week to come! 

This really speaks to our philosophy of "eating the frog" even when it is not the favored item on your to-do list. Complete this unwanted task and you will free up your mind and your time for what is next.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

WHOL4Ed Apple Valley 2016

What a great couple of days!  We had so much fun talking work/life balance with our first WHOL4Ed class of the summer.  Prioritizing, organizing, streamlining, creating . . . Eating our FROGS!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

American Teacher Movie (2011 ~ Narrated by Matt Damon)

The American Teacher documentary can be seen on Amazon or Hulu.  Free for Amazon Prime Members!

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Favorite links from teacher survey!

We were completely caught by surprise with how many educators responded to our busy teacher's survey. How in the world could we share all of these great tips, tricks, and links? We decided to use an online bookmarking system called Only2Clicks. Check out our page and the categories from the Busy Teacher's survey!

Follow WHOL4Ed on Pinterest!

One of the greatest link resources known to most of us now is Pinterest. This is a great place to share and store favorite links and ideas from the internet. At WHOL4Ed we try and pin on a regular basis as a means of sharing tips and tricks for work/home life balance. Check back often to see our new pins!

Welcome to WHOL4Ed!

Come join Katie and Emily as they explore the relationship and balancing act between the roles we play at home and the vibrant demands of being an educator. In this space you will find our own tiny slice of internet tip space where we hope you can achieve more peace and enjoy both sides of this crazy life of education and home balance.