Saturday, September 24, 2016

Google Drive +BLOG TRAIN!!!

We are jumping in here this first week of fall to give some Google Drive organizational tips and to share a really cool learning opportunity via a great blog community. BE SURE TO READ ALL THE WAY TO THE END TO LEARN HOW TO PARTICIPATE IN OUR BLOG TRAIN.

If you are like us, Google Drive has become a great and easy way to create and share documents. If you are also like us, your Google Drive can get a little out of hand and disorganized which makes documents hard to locate. After a bit of research and trial and error, we have gathered our top 5 Google drive organization tips to keep you productive and efficient!

1. See how you are using up your drive space and purge! 
Scroll through your drive and take a few minutes to get rid of any files or documents that you no longer need. This is an important first step so your organization flows better.

2. Create folders and color code them
Check out this AMAZING blog post on how to uber organize your folders with colors and symbols!

3. Star the folders you access often.
If you place a star next to the folders you access on a regular basis, they will be easily accessible via the left navigation menu. Simply click STARRED and those folders will appear!

4. Make sure to "add to your drive" any needed files
Files that are shared with you are not automatically added to your drive. To maintain your drive organization when a file is shared with you, add it to your drive and organize it into a folder immediately. Click the drive+ icon and then choose organize.

5. One final helpful tip...

We often need to share a document with others in which they need to make a copy and add their own thoughts. I'm sure we are not the only ones who get frustrated by the original getting messed up because someone forgot to make a copy before adding their edits. There is a tiny trick to prevent this-

1. adjust your sharing settings FIRST so anyone with the link can edit. Do not use the link provided in the sharing box
2. Return to the document and look at the web address of the documents. The last four letters (a word actually) should be EDIT. Delete just this word and replace it with the word copy.
3. All those given access will be prompted to MAKE a COPY first before they can edit.

Apple Valley Blended 1 Blog Train! 

We are the start of the blog train. Come back here if you ever get lost. Be prepared to learn and laugh as you ride this educational blog train. Each blog will have a post specific to the blog train sharing a favorite resource, tip, or topic. Please feel free to download any goodies along the way as well. We would really appreciate if you would leave a bit of blog lovin' in the for of a comment on each blog. Be sure to bookmark or subscribe to blog you particularly enjoyed. The next stop on the blog train will be linked at the bottom of each post. 

Stop #1 on the blog train: The Misadventures of Mr. Hanson